Home (BTLO/Challenge) - Memory Analysis - Ransomware
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(BTLO/Challenge) - Memory Analysis - Ransomware

The Account Executive called the SOC earlier and sounds very frustrated and angry. He stated he can’t access any files on his computer and keeps receiving a pop-up stating that his files have been encrypted.

  • CTF is hosted on https://blueteamlabs.online/


    The Account Executive called the SOC earlier and sounds very frustrated and angry. He stated he can’t access any files on his computer and keeps receiving a pop-up stating that his files have been encrypted. You disconnected the computer from the network and extracted the memory dump of his machine and started analyzing it with Volatility. Continue your investigation to uncover how the ransomware works and how to stop it!

I’ll be using SIFT Workastation from SANS. https://www.sans.org/tools/sift-workstation/

Forensics - The Begining

At first, we get a .mem file which we can easily read with volatility and this is also what we’re expected to do.

Run “vol.py -f infected.vmem –profile=Win7SP1x86 psscan” that will list all processes. What is the name of the suspicious process? (3 points): @WanaDecryptor

@WanaDecryptor definately sticks out here, along with or4qtckT.exe. Checking PPID 2732 of @WanaDecryptor.

Googling the Filenames reveals what the Ransoware should be

Can you identify what ransomware it is? (Do your research!) (2 points): WannaCry

Checking the Process Tree it becomes more obvious

What is the parent process ID for the suspicious process? (3 points): 2732

What is the initial malicious executable that created this process? (3 points): or4qtckT.exe

We can also get graphical view of process tree including exited processes

sansforensics@siftworkstation: ~/Desktop/cases_CTF/BTLO Memory Analysis - Ransomware
$ vol.py -f infected.vmem --profile=Win7SP1x86 psscan --output dot --output-file psscan.dot
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6
Outputting to: psscan.dot

sansforensics@siftworkstation: ~/Desktop/cases_CTF/BTLO Memory Analysis - Ransomware
$ dot -Tpng psscan.dot -o psscan.png


> If you drill down on the suspicious PID (vol.py -f infected.vmem --profile=Win7SP1x86 psscan | grep (PIDhere)), find the process used to delete files (3 points): `taskdl.exe`

Taking deeper look - handles / dlllist

Using dlllist module with the process should reveal loaded libraries and .exe0

Find the path where the malicious file was first executed (3 points): C:\Users\hacker\Desktop\or4qtckT.exe

Checking handles reveals the .eky file which is encrypted private key with embeded public key.

What is the filename for the file with the ransomware public key that was used to encrypt the private key? (.eky extension) (3 points): 00000000.eky


Thanks for reading!




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